participipative installation, MDF, glazed ceramics and porcelain, food from Kantstraße in Berlin, handprinted napkins, mixes media, 2022
"One Street Mukbang" is based on the internet phenomenon of Mukbang, where people eat huge amounts of food and stream it live. Our installation gathers various packaging materials transferred to the medium of glazed porcelain and ceramics. On the finissage of the exhibition food from the restaurants of Berlins Kantstraße, which is known for it's culinary variety (especially asian food) could be tasted, breaking up the Covid-19 related practice of eating alone from plastic containers, encouraging discussions about what is authentic/enjoyable/local/sustainable food. The piece was made on the occasion of the exhibition "Die Kant_Text_Kunst_Straße" curated by Ina Weber and Annett Röscher. Thank you so much for making this piece possible. 
Fotos : Martin Eberle (installation views), own (in action)
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